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Animação de evangelho

Kérdések az evangéliumról és az üdvösségről

Life in this modern world has much to offer.

An almost inexhaustive stream of information is available through the media for example television and the Internet. Unknown civilizations no longer exist and modern man can travel the entire world to exotic holiday destinations. Furthermore, the state of science and technology is so advanced that we have a lot of comfort. It is often pronounced that modern man does not need (anymore) God.
God or religion is then associated with a primitive dependence on a high force that is found in primitive civilizations. The modern human being thinks that he can control it alone. We also hear negative talk about faith and religion and the errors of the church past and present as an argument that the world is better off without religion.
On the other side, we see a growing desire of modern man and a search for satisfaction in life. There seems to be a void that money or products, even friendships and relationships, cannot fill. This emptiness is difficult to describe, but it clearly has something to do with meaning; where do I come from, why am I here and where am I going???


As Christians we believe that God Himself, who designed us and has given us life, also built in a desire to seek and find Him the source of life. Christians believe that the Bible is God's revelation. And that man is a sinner, and he/she is not able to save himself from the wrath of God. Therefore, salvation in Jesus Christ is necessary, life in Jesus. Jesus, the sinless Son of God, died for man's sin on the Cross. And He rose from the dead after three days. He conquered death, and therefore everyone, who admits to being a sinner and believes that Jesus Christ died for their sins, receives eternal life in Heaven.
We look around, we see that man has always been sensitive to spiritual matters as well as curious about the super natural. The aforementioned example of primitive civilizations testifies to that, but also modern man is sensitive to spiritual input. Examples are horoscopes, eastern religions like Buddha, astrology, yoga, meditation and new-ageism.

Now what do Christians believe and why is this so exclusive?

Do Christians believe that the Bible is the revelation of the only God. When we open the Bible and consider the views, we see God as a person with character and not some inexact primal force. This God has been there forever and is omnipotent, knows everything, is omnipresent and is not limited. This God is the thinker and creator of this universe, the earth and living creatures. In the first pages of the Bible, we also learn that God made the most special creation: man (Genesis 1:26-28).
You can argue about evolution and creation, but in the end the primary essence is that God is the one who created all these beautiful and special creatures, plants, animals and human beings.

Why did God create man?

Because God is a God of Love (the entire Bible testifies to that), it is His desire to have a relationship with man. That's why God created man as an "image" of Him.
I mean, we have enormous potentials within us. For example create things and discover things (like telephone, computer), but too we are guardians to pay attention to the careful nature. Also the human character is a reflection of the character of God. In respecting animals, human beings have more feelings and a connection with the spiritual world. God created man to have a relationship with him and to rule the world.
The Bible says: "you created man almost divine". In Genesis we also read that God walked together with man.
Briefly, God created human beings to have a direct relationship with Him. Unfortunately in the first few pages in the Bible, we must conclude, that man chose for himself and causing a rift between him and God.

What went wrong?

Most people know the story of Paradise, Adam and Eve, and the forbidden fruit. In reality, man decided to be disobedient to God. God had entrusted incredible freedoms to man but there was only ONE prohibited: From ONE tree they CANNOT eat its fruit. Adam and Eve (the first people) decided to go against God's will. This first sin is a model for the rebellion that we find in every human being and, therefore, is much more comprehensive than just picking a fruit. The subsequent finding and fleeing to God is indicative of the situation man has entered into. Adam and Eve realized that it had become impossible to face the face of a sinless and all-powerful God.
The paradise situation in which they lived could not be continued in a direct relationship with God. Man found a complete new situation: a world with sin, problems, disease, disappointments, slaughter, war and death at the end.

This transitions some call "the fall of man".

Sin is a word that is not used often these days and really means "missing your mark."

It is a collection name for everything that is wrong, impure, in human thinking, speaking and acting. As Christians we believe that sin goes much deeper than the visible things such as sin by act, stealing and saying lies. In fact, sin is hidden as the complete part of our character and nature. The Bible shows us a good example. In the teachings of Jesus also the finger on the sore spot.
Since the fall of sin, there is a fracture between the sinless God and high-principle ethics and we human beings who are imperfect in acting, in speaking and in thinking.

Can God close his eye?

God is Love. The entire Bible testifies to that and also the experiences of many people are proof. You might wonder if God could not close His eyes and let our mistakes pass thereby restoring the paradise situation.

A study into the Being and Character of God is necessary in order to answer that question . God is sinless and perfects. One word we use for that is Holy. Holiness and integrity, combined with His almighty God makes man impossible so sinful in His nearness. In front of sin is God a great burning and consuming fire. God hates sin with an absolute hate.

What then is the good news?

God hates sin, but loves man, His creation.
The Bible says that God wants each person to be restored and to have a relationship with Him again. The gap between God and us must first be bridged. God Himself gave the solution for it, since man cannot overcome this gap.

As 4 leis

So what is the solution? What does the gospel mean?

In the Old Testament (first part of the Bible, before the birth of Jesus), we see that at a certain time God chooses a nation for Himself (with Abram as the Patriarch). This is a special nation with special rules of conduct and laws. The nation Israel served God and brought sacrifices as a satisfaction for sin. Sacrifices were temporarily the answer to sin. These sacrifices (usually animals that were slaughtered and an altar were burned by the priests) were a symbol for a vicarious punishment for sin.
The Bible clearly says that the punishment for sin is death. Of course, sacrificing animals is limited and serves mainly because the children of Israel were aware of their position before God.
The complete Old Testament is full of references and predictions of the Savior, the Messiah, who would come and be able of freeing the people.
This salvation will also relate to all people throughout the world. This Messiah would be the Son of God who, because of his own impeccability would be able to make a perfect sacrifice at once for the sins of all human beings. It was the perfect answer to sin, because the Son of God, Jesus Christ, was born without sin. Thus the perfect sacrifice.

2000 years ago, this prediction came true through the birth of Jesus. At Christmas we celebrate his birth. Much of the Christmas story is sweet and charming, but the coming of the Son of God to connect the earth is a fact of enormous intervention. God becomes human. HE CAME TO US. From the beginning, there was no place for Him (In Bethlehem, the inns were full and according to the Bible his birthplace was with animals). Jesus grew up in a normal family, but the Bible also indicates the main difference to the other man: He was completely sinless.
Quite as was predicted, his own people did not consider that Jesus was their Savior, they expected a King. During his life on earth, he went from city to city to proclaim the coming Kingdom of God and the forgiveness of sin, healing the sick and even raising some from the dead, but he was continually attacked by scholars (called Pharisees and Sadducees). Their accusation was blasphemy.

On this accusation, Jesus at the age of 33 years old, was betrayed by one of his students to the scribes, was arrested and with torture, provocation and false testimony was brought to justice . Despite the fact that no valid accusation could be filed the Roman authorities gave permission to crucify Jesus.

Jesus was crucified outside Jerusalem. Crucifixion was a Roman torture death that was excruciatingly painful and only to serious criminals it was applied. With Jesus, however, several prophecies were fulfilled. His followers were disappointed and confused and did not realize that Jesus had to go through this.
When Jesus died, he said, "It is finished." The death of Jesus meant the perfect sacrifice, He did not sin, He completely obeyed the will of His father in Heaven. It is and was the excess sin and the death of complete victory, and the enemy of the Gods of excess: Satan.

On the cross, Jesus swallowed the punishment of our sins, so that we could be completely free from sin exceeding God's punishment.

To obtain this remission it is only necessary to accept Jesus as your Savior. To confess that you do not own your debts and to ask Him for forgiveness.

For God loved the world so much, that He gave His only Son (Jesus Christ), so that everyone that believing in him does not die, but has eternal life (in Heaven)!!!

The above verse from the Bible is also applicable to you!!! Whatever your situation is, what you have done in the past (or in the future) or what you have experienced, God is calling you too. The Son of God also died for your sins, but he is waiting for your reaction. It is not forcing you, it is your personal decision to accept or reject your free sacrifice. God calls him.
The Son of God died for you, but the God is waiting for your answer. It's not going to force you, this is a free gift. But like any gift, you have to accept it in order to receive it. If you don't accept a gift, you don't have the gift. Refusing God's gift to you means accepting the Gods' punishment for sin.

After you have read this, do not put it away from you, because it is the absolute truth. A truth that makes you truly free (from God's judgment on sin).

Hear Word

Other spiritual things and occult business do not make you free, on the contrary they bind you and in the end elasticity you fear. Jesus Christ truly delivers!!!

After three days, Jesus rose from the dead as proof of his strength over death. Later it was shown to several hundreds of people. There are lots of arguments from the Bible and history that proved that Jesus was actually dead and arose again.

From the moment of his resurrection Jesus had a new resurrection body and ascended to Heaven. If you accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, you will also receive a new immortal body after your death on earth and then you will forever be in Heaven without a sinful body, without problems and always happy.

Where is Jesus then now?

Jesus did not die after his resurrection. After 40 days, he ascended to Heaven, to the place where God, His Father, lives and has His throne. He promised us that one day He will come again and collect His followers, and they will remain with Him forever. Then the earth was handed over to Satan, and the remaining people on earth will face a terrible time, the Great Tribulation.
During this At that time, God will pass judgment upon the earth and in the end passing judgment upon every person on earth. The disciples of Jesus Christ are sure that they have entered Heaven and God the Father will not judge them to an eternal life in the lake of fire, since his son Jesus Christ died for their sins.

The people who During their lifetime they willingly reject Jesus Christ, they will receive what they wanted: forever to be separated from the source of love and peace and to receive the full punishment for their sins!!!! Remember this fully!!!

After the Ascension, Jesus issued the Holy Spirit in order to help the believer. The spirit of God lives within his followers and helps, comforts and guides the believer.
With the spirit of God (Holy Spirit) there is a powerful Christian church: the family of God.

A place to learn and grow, and to show together the Kingdom of God on earth.

Summary of God's plan of salvation:

The God provided the solution, you just need to accept it. As a follower of Jesus, you are a child of God and therefore you can talk to Him daily. You cannot yet see God, and you also cannot literally hear Him, which will be in the future. But we can know that He is with us all the days of our lives.

God did not promise us that He would take care of all our problems on earth and solve them in a super natural way. He also uses difficult situations to transform us into the image of Jesus Christ. God is not Santa Claus who gives us everything upon request. If you sincerely live with Him, you will observe that He is the source of peace, insight and wisdom. Then you will hear His still small voice, with which He guides us.

When you read this and are touched by it, realizing that you are very far apart from God, but you want to accept the responsibility for your sin, you want to accept Jesus Christ as your Savior but you have no idea how....

You can do two things:

  1. PSeek contact with Christians and start talking to them. Or you can contact EZBB email: Also see frequently questions.
  2. You can also now, if you wish, go and ask Jesus and He will enter the your life as your Savior. From that moment on you too are a child of God and receive eternal life.

You can say the following prayer for example, or you can do it in your own words, naturally.
Such a prayer you can say anywhere, in your room, in your car, wherever you are. Be still and focus on God and His Son Jesus Christ in all respect:

"O Lord Jesus, I don't know You very well yet, but You know me good and You find me precious. I thank you -that you died so that all my shortcomings and sins and desires set me free. For that I desire. I desire to accept you as my personal Savior and Lord. Teach me good steps and help me grow in faith, love and a sincere relationship with God, my Creator and my heavenly Father."

After this prayer, you can actually discuss everything with God. He is your father (in Heaven). Know it completely, so you don't have to fear not mentioning anything (bad) in your life. Nothing is too bad or too boring for Him. He is also a shelter, a comforter and a healer of mental stress.

After you buy a Bible. There are several translations. The New Life Bible is a good place to start. Ask for advice at an evangelical bookstore. You would be amazed how factual and exciting the Bible is.

Make sure you find people who can guide you and you can learn about believing things. There is a lot to learn and it is not always easy to be a Christian. Many norms go diametrically against God's evolution in this fast paced individualistic consumer society. Keep in mind:
"I will be with you all the days of your life, even to the end of the world." God will give you the power to be strong in His Strength. You will never regret following Jesus, because Jesus is the only way to God and to full and eternal life.


CriaçãoIt all started with God's creation of the earth. Genesis 1:1 says: In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

God created the trees, plants, animals, birds and fish.

Adão e EvaIn Genesis 1:27 it is written:
And God created man in his own image: male and female He created them.

These two people were named:
Adam and Eve

They were without sin and walked with God.

God had created many trees with fruit.
Against Adam and Eve, God spoke:
You can eat from all the fruits of trees, however, from a tree you cannot eat the fruit, because then you will die for sure.

God had an adversary, Satan, who had been an angel, but rebelled against God, because he I would like to be equal to God. He would not at all like the new earth with the beautiful animals, trees, birds, fish, and the man Adam and his wife Eve, because that was God's Work.
Therefore, Satan proposed to Eve to eat the fruit forbidden, for he said:
You must not eat from the tree, must you? The woman replied: We can eat its fruits from all trees, except one, because if we eat from this tree, we will die. Therefore Satan said to the woman: You will not die, for God knows that in the day you eat of it, then your eyes will be opened, and you will be equal to God, knowing good and evil. And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and she took of its fruit and ate.
Satan spoke lies to the woman, half-truths, and the woman fell inside and ate the forbidden fruit and offered it to her husband Adam. Now he had a choice: follow his wife or obey God and not eat. Adam chose wrong and deliberately went against God's command and ate the fruit. Then sin and death entered the world.

As a result, God removed the disobedient Adam and Eve from paradise. Because of his disobedience to God, man no longer lived happily, and diseases entered the world. But also, man has only a limited life on earth, in the beginning, man lived a thousand years, but because of all the disobedience of man, which increasingly goes against the commandments of God, which today is limited to 100 years .
Years after the first sin of the first human beings, God gave a number of commands, so that man would know his disobedience to God. In Exodus 20 they are:
You shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is on the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not worship them.
You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him innocent who takes his name in vain.
Six days you shall labor and do all your work. But the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God; You shall not do any work.
Honor your father and your mother.
You shall not kill, you shall not commit adultery and you shall not steal.
You shall not covet your neighbor's house.
In short: you must first love God, and to love your neighbor as yourself.

Later, in the Bible it is written (Galatians 5:19-21): fornication, impurity, lasciviousness, 20 idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, anger, discord, dissensions, factions, 21 envy, drunkenness, gluttony and the like to these.
This and also think about lying, stealing, murder, hatred, lovelessness are all the properties of man and are the cause of his disobedience to God.
We can try to live well, but by ourselves we cannot . But yes, after death on earth, another life follows. Because each person has a life forever. After death on earth, another life follows:
Separate from God, or together with God.
God is not able to approve sin. Just as a criminal can be acquitted by an earthly judge, so God must punish sin. Because man often violates God's laws and commandments, our punishment is enormous. Therefore, God thought of a solution. An example, someone is sentenced by the Court to pay a fine of 100,000 reais. This person cannot pay and must therefore go to prison. Now someone else comes and says: I'll pay this fine for you. Now this convict has two options: either accept or refuse this offer and go to prison.
Jesus Christ is this other person, who paid the fine for our sin and suffered greatly for a death on the Cross of Calvary, 2000 years ago.
Jesus Christ is the son of God, who is without sin, born 2000 years ago. We celebrate this at Christmas.

The Bible says in John 3:16
For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.

What does this mean? Now, each person has two options:
Either the man accepts this offer believing that Jesus Christ died for his sins, and thus receives forgiveness for his sins. As a result, you are no longer separated from God. And you will receive a life after your death with God forever in Heaven.
Or man DOES NOT accept this offer, and the punishment of sin stays on himself and after you die, you will be responsible before God, and with the result that you enter prison and eternally separated from God. And this prison is not fun at all, but a horrible, hellish place to stay.

Now you may say, but my life on earth was no picnic, living a life of pain, misery, poverty, the sadness. Those who have Jesus Christ as their personal Savior have been adopted, recognizing that they are a sinner and recognizing God's forgiveness. Receive when they go to Heaven, a new healthy, sinless body. A body without defense, without science and without diseases.
But those who reject this grace of God in Jesus Christ, will not receive a new body and will forever suffer pain and sadness.
This offer is always valid, but Don't delay your decision. Soon you may get an accident, or have a heart attack, or any way. Then it may be too late, so make your decision soon before it is too late.

oracãoThan if possible, you will kneel. Fold your hands and close your eyes and pray for example the following prayer:

Lord God, who is in Heaven, I confess that I am a sinner and that I do not keep your commandments. I recognize that I am a sinner, and I know that I myself cannot be released from my punishment for my sins. Thank you that Jesus Christ died on the Cross of Calvary for my sins. And I accept Jesus Christ as my personal Savior for my sins and my Lord. You would help me understand all this. Take my life into your hands and guide me.
Thank you. Amen.