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GYIK leggyakrabban ismételt kérdések (FAQ) GYIK leggyakrabban ismételt kérdések


I live well like an average person. Am I not a sinner?

Frequently asked questions. Sometimes a person commits a lie for the good. And sometimes you don't think very well of someone. God looks inside the heart. The Bible said: You must love God, WHO lives in Heaven, with complete heart, mind and spirit. This is the first commandment. If you lack it, before God you are a sinner. And this means that you live separated from God. Not only now, but also after death. Because the Bible (the Word of God) says that after death, two things can happen to a person. Either he/she becomes separated from God and must pay the price for sin, OR he/she will live with God in Heaven.
The only way to live with God is to confess that you are a sinner and believe that Jesus Christ (is the Son of God) died on the Cross.

I would like to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal Savior. How do I do this?

You can bend your knees and hands. Then say:

O Lord God, please help me. I confess that I am a sinner and I myself am not able to reconcile with you. I believe that Jesus Christ died for my sins on the Cross, and I ask You to cleanse me by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.

I ask the Lord Jesus Christ to come into my life as Lord and give me wisdom from You Please teach me the way to learn better and help me.

I thank you for joining me. AMEN.

I said this prayer, what happens now?

The Holy Spirit now dwells in you. Many experience enormous joy or refreshment.
You will also notice that after a while you may become insecure. That's why it's good to visit an (evangelical) church where you feel good. With people who would like to talk to you and visit you in order to help you grow in faith.
If you can't find a church, or if you need contact, send an email to

God is love, one person said. But is this true?

Yes, unfortunately we live in a very violent world. The only way now, how to know God's love is written in the Bible in John 3:16: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son Jesus, that whoever believes in him should not perish (that is, after death he will not die). comes under God's punishment and eternally separated from God), but has eternal life (that is: after death he lives with God in Heaven).

God commands man to love God with complete heart, soul and spirit, and to love his neighbor as himself. Also God has ordered from the beginning (since creation) to govern the earth. With this, humans took responsibility for everything that lives on earth (environment, fish, animals, birds, etc.) and everything that occurs on earth. As soon as humans sign, then it is the PERSON's responsibility. We, people, are responsible for loving our neighbors and taking care of them if necessary. This also means that you are obliged to take care of people in the third world. Kings, presidents, mayors, judges, politicians are responsible for the well-being of subjects and also people on the third earth. BUT you also have a personal duty in this, you must also resist evil, you can also contribute to people.

The Love of God is also made visible by the missionaries
They try to help people in third countries with medical security, education and food. In this way, they show God's love and with support from home (financial and prayer) it is possible to take care of basic needs.

Why doesn't God intervene?
Ultimately, God will intervene and this will happen quickly (One indication is the existence of the state Israel). Then an open battle will come between nations and God. Each person must personally give an account of their life on earth (and this even applies to people who have already died). Also for each king, president, chief, judge, yes, each person will be judged by a just God who will punish and judge their works. Only those who accept Jesus Christ as their Savior for their sins will obtain eternal life in Heaven and live with God. The rest will not obtain life in Heaven.

I pray, but without or only experience prayer fulfillment. Does it make sense to pray?

God is sovereign. Everything we receive is pure grace. The Bible gives some indications of prayers and answers to prayer (see Bible study Prayer). In short, the Bible said:

Does it make sense to pray for a sick person?

Yes, God wants the believer to seek healing. God can heal every person (through doctors or miracles). But does God heal every person he prays for? NO.
Jesus also did not heal everyone when He was on earth. Sometimes God tests the believer's faith. God knows what is best for the patient. Sometimes God has a plan with illness. Sickness can be a consequence of sin. In this case, the objective is to rebuke the believer and think about it as a result of admonishing and confessing the sin.
There are also cases in which God uses illness (or disability) to glorify Himself, think of Lazaro and Joni Eareckson .
Yes, some cases are difficult to determine how to pray. We humans don't like losing a loved one. At any time it is sensible to pray, but add 'Your Will be done'. Always pray for healing and not that a person continues to live. Unfortunately it happens when you are praying to leave a person's life without adding 'Your Will be done'. Sometimes God HEARS and leaves the severely ill person alive, but without a complete cure. And behind the people who pray, they regret these prayers, because the sick person ends up with a difficult life. God knows when it is better to let a sick person die.
Don't forget that illness and death are a consequence of falling. Every human will die sooner or later and leave this earthly body. It may be a small consolation, if the patient dies and he/she accepts Jesus Christ as Savior, the patient goes to Heaven where there is no illness and suffering. Pity the patient who does not accept, his/her suffering increases greatly (in hell).

Is your tithe an obligation?

No, but for the institution by the Torah, Old Testament believers, such as Abraham, gave their tithes. The tithe, however, was more than a tenth, there about all kinds of things received accusations (among other things the birth of the first child), so according to some calculations, the total came out at>God He loves the giver who gives with joy (2 Cor. 9:8). Tenth and offerings are very necessary of contemporary Christian. Why?

If you would like to know more about tithing, see the biblical study Tithe.

Your Is salvation a certainty?

Personally, I think the Bible contradicts itself. But there are theologians who say that the Bible does not contradict itself. So I will follow here the biblical texts that talk about salvation and you can make your own conclusion whether this comment is correct or not.


  1. John 3:18 Whoever believes in him is NOT condemned; but whoever does not believe is already condemned, because he does not believe in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
  2. After an infidel accepts Jesus Christ as his/her Savior, the Holy Spirit immediately enters him/her (comes to live in him/her from according to 1 Corinthians 6:19), which is given as a guarantee, Ephesians 1:13-14.
  3. Read 1 Corinthians 3:11-15. Verse 15 says: If anyone's work is burned, he will suffer loss; but such a one will be saved, even as through fire.

These verses confirm salvation in eternity.


  1. John 3:36 He who believes in the Son has eternal life, but he who does not believe in the Son will not see life but the wrath of God it remains upon him.
  2. Matthew 25: 1-13. The wise virgins went to the wedding. The foolish virgins, whose lamps have been extinguished (no longer filled with the Holy Spirit), for them the door of marriage is CLOSED.
  3. Luke 13:26-28 People have preached Jesus, but still dismissed them as church workers. iniquity.
  4. Matthew 07:21-23 Many prophesy and show strength in the name of Jesus, but they still do not know Him and they do not go to Heaven.

This is in contradiction with YES. Or do these verses talk about people denying Jesus when they serve to give evidence or be tortured and then deny Jesus? These are believers who have come to faith but then deny Jesus remained in the life in the flesh and the fruits of the Holy Spirit were not visible (Matthew 25)? Are they workers who do not believe, and did all in the name of Jesus for their own honor?
Also read Matthew 13:18-23. There one accepts with joy and in a period of difficulty or persecution, the faithful fall. Another accepts Jesus, but finds life in the world more attractive and is also infertile.
This means that, in addition to believing and accepting Jesus Christ, the need for adoption as the LORD Jesus Christ, which changes your life , who lives in obedience and filled with the Holy Spirit until the end of obtaining eternal life in heaven?
In each case, let this NOT be a serious warning! Take your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ seriously and leave the life in the world (the life in the flesh) and go to a life guided by the Holy Spirit.


What does the Bible say about young people?

What does God say about young people?


Young people look at life's challenges such as what profession to have? Will I pass this contest? Who will I marry? Will I know how to take care of my family? If you continue on the Lord's path following what he says in his holy Word, He says you have won!!! He already sees his future ahead! YOU OVERCOME THE EVIL!

Don't think that because you're young nothing affects you, don't be arrogant towards your elders thinking "ah! this annoying old man doesn't know anything!" They know a lot. They have already gone through phases that you will still go through. They have already experienced things that you will still experience. They have answers to many of your questions, they have experience in life.

In the same way, young people, submit yourselves to your elders. Everyone be humble towards one another, because "God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble." Therefore, humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, so that he may exalt you in due time. 1 Peter 5:5-6

When you are corrected by someone, don't get angry. Don't "let it go" or abandon work, accept it and try to improve, this is good for your growth and maturation.

Many young people fear losing their friends, their class if they are too radical in their faith. And they are afraid to speak God's truths to their friends and be rejected. But the Lord promises to protect you and be with you on this journey.

There is nothing better in the world than being filled with the Holy Spirit of God! You are complete! You don't need to use drugs to have ecstasy or forget about problems, you don't need sex, partying and many other aspects that young people seek to fill their days and give meaning to life. The presence of the Holy Spirit is superior to all this and is true happiness.

Which book of the Bible talks about youth?

Psalms and Ecclesiastes.

How can a young person purify his path?

Reading the Lord's Bible. As it is written below: "How can a young man keep his conduct pure? By living according to your word. Psalm 119:9"

What does it mean to be young?

According to Google it is: "Being young means being strong, being able to see the world from all angles, having dreams and wanting to make them come true, being bold even when feeling afraid, having the art of reinventing when necessary, is to be strategic, is to be immersed in a context of great challenges and complexities."

What does Paul say to young people?

"No one despises you because you are young, but be an example to the believers in word, behavior, love, faith and purity." The apostle Paul encourages Timothy to face an adverse scenario.

What do today's young people need to hear?

The Fathers and the Word of God, the Bible.

Where does it say in the Bible that young people are strong?

The beauty of young people lies in their strength; the glory of the elderly, in their white hair. Proverbs 20:29

What are young people like nowadays?

Today's young people also have refined logical thinking, are self-taught and responsible. Living pragmatically, they are practical and live in search of satisfying their financial needs and personal enrichment, both in the emotional and sensory fields.
a complement that I personally give is: Also a large part of today's young people have become corrupted for various personal reasons or because something has influenced them.

Who was the youngest prophet?

Samuel and Jeremiah

What does Joshua 1:9 say?

Be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. Didn't I send it to you? Be strong, and be of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed; for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

What does the term youth mean?

Period of a human being's life between childhood and the full development of their organism. Stage of life between childhood and adulthood. Group of people aged between 15 and 29 years old. Youth.

What is written in Proverbs 20:29?

The glory of the young man is his strength; and the beauty of old people is their gray hair.

What to preach to young people?,voc%C3%AA%20deseja%20que%20eles%20fa%C3%A7am.
Summary: Be authentic when preaching a message to young people. Be interactive. Try to tell stories when preaching to young people. Keep focus. Set examples when preaching to young people.
For more detailed things, follow the link above.

Who wrote Psalm 119?

Its author is unknown, but many believe it was written by David, Ezra or Daniel.

What are young people like nowadays?

Today's young people also have refined logical thinking, are self-taught and responsible. Living pragmatically, they are practical and live in search of satisfying their financial needs and personal enrichment, both in the emotional and sensory fields.
a complement that I personally give is: Also a large part of today's young people have become corrupted for various personal reasons or because something has influenced them.

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