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Creation in Genesis 1

What does this mean?

The earth now was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep. This shows that the earth was already in existence, when the Bible begins, and it was not created at that moment. At the start of the Bible, it clearly states that the earth was without form and void and there is darkness. Considering the geological excavations and discoveries of animal skeletons of dinosaurs, that should not be surprisingly that earth was already in existence. Accordingly to archaeologicals, possible a meteorite burst destroyed all living upon earth. Resulting in a big darkness and not livable climate and a huge flood covering the complete earth. Sky should be polluted with all sort of dust particles, that withhold the sunlight and the air was polluted in such a way that life was impossible. That could be an explanation why the Bible begins with: The earth was void and in darkness.
Another explanation can be the war between Satan and a third of the angels against the Lord God and His angels. The earth may have been destroyed in this war. And the Bible begins with the new creation of the universe and the earth. Whatever the case, the Bible begins with the creation of the present person, his responsibility and his future. Tells the story of the fall, the separation between God and man, his sin and anger, the punishment for sin and the possible salvation through faith in Jesus Christ and the new life after death, either separated from God or a new one live in Heaven.

Earth which was in darkness

1  And God said: Let there be light. God is Almighty, what a force and power are demonstrated here. God makes in one day, the polluted air clean, so that the sun shines again over the earth which was in darkness. At the sun's side, it is day. And on the other side, it is dark, there it is night, so that man, who shall be created, can sleep during the night.


2  And God said: Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters form the waters. God created the atmosphere above earth, so that that become a separation between the flood (apparently the complete earth was covered with water) and the water in the atmosphere. God created clouds, so that it could rain, and rain would be the living source for everything what would come and life upon earth. Rain would provide for life. Every plant, animal and human being that God still would create, depends upon (clean) water. What a prominence and power of God.

Vegetation and plants

3  And God said: Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear. He is God Almighty. The Ruler over heavens and earth. The waters withdrawn to one place, and a dry place comes into existence. When we closely looked to earth and also accordingly to archaeologicals, then America and Europe have been jointed together, probably also with Australia and New Zealand. So one huge ocean and one big land was formed.
And God said: Let the earth put forth vegetation, plants yielding seed and fruit trees. To provide food for animals and man, green was and is needed leaves (trees to produce oxygen) and fruit trees for food. Also it had to be yielding seed, otherwise there would not be a continuation. All is well thought of. God has a plan with earth. He has the intention to create animals and man, who are going to inhabit earth. Here is a very intelligent Being at work, namely God the Creator.
NOT what the evolution theory is saying, that all developed from a singular cell. How can from a single cell, develope so many variations, first develop as a plant, then as a fish, after that as a bird, a animal and finally into a human being. How can a single cell clean a polluted heaven, create the atmosphere, clouds that gives rain, separate water from dry land? For all, everything had to occur in the correct order, otherwise it would die. An animal needs food, so first food (green and fruit trees). And trees need rain. How can a singular cell create so many variations in reproduction: seeds, eggs, womb, etc.? The famous egg and chicken problem.
Who was first?
Where are the discoveries that show the transition from leave to fish, from fish to bird, from bird to animal, from animal to human being? And from animal towards man speaking? There are so many missing links that are never found in fossils! Why is evolution now come to a hold, why do not there develop new (evoluted) species, since accordingly to the evolution man is already there for over millions of years. Why has nothing new evoluted during these millions of years?
Simply, because a car and an airplane also need an intelligent designer, who think thoroughly. So God the Creator is required to provide earth with plants, fishes, animals and human beings.
All evolution followers agree that certain conditions must be present, otherwise no life form comes into existence. Is it not surprising that just on earth, there are quite the right conditions: The atmosphere with the correct percentage of oxygen, an atmosphere with clouds providing rain, resulting a fresh water to sustain life upon earth. Trees for recirculation of oxygen. The cycle of sun and moon, maintaining the correct temperature on earth (consider the feared green-house effect). The earth is at the correct distance to the sun, so there is the correct environment for life. The atmosphere with its ozone, protecting us against harmful UV-radiation. All due to evolution? Can you believe that? Or must there be a Creator?
With all these facts, evolution does not account for, since these too must have evoluted. Up to present, one has not discovered in the huge universe the same conditions as earth. Although one has scanned million of light years afar, let alone a single life form. Even on the planet Mars, there are big question marks if there is water or any form of life. But although the conditions are not present, no atmosphere, so also not the rich variation of life as on earth.
Do I need to provide more facts that evolution theory is incorrect and everything upon earth must have been created by the Lord God?

Lights in the firmament

4  And God said: Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens. Seeing from nowadays science, we know that long ago existed stars at the start of the Bible. So is the Bible incorrect when stating God created the two great lights (sun and moon)?
Here a explanation is in order. The first Bible chapters are dictated to Moses, educating the Jewish people. It is dictated by the Holy Spirit in such a way that the Jewish people at that period could understand it.
That does not violated our present knowledge of the solar system. Up to the fifth day, the sunlight and lights from the stars were diffused. Now God uses the atmosphere to direct the light of the sun and stars, so that the light shines upon earth and man can observe the sun and stars. Just ask astronauts.
In this too, we can see the power of God, He controls the laws of nature. God puts His Will upon nature and set its rules and laws.
But proclaimed is that the moon is a light as well, while we know that only the sun is a light source. So, do you marvel? The moon is at exactly the correct position between earth and sun, in that position that it shines upon earth during night. What a great precision!
Can you imagine if it was at a different location? Always between the sun and earth, then the earth would over a large period be in the shadow of the moon. And a large irregularity would exist, large variation in temperature and light, so animals and man could not survive, I suppose.
No, that is creation of God. And the moon reflects correctly the sunlight to earth, under the correct angle. Which other planets in the universe are matching? Also the moon is located at the correct distance to earth, so her magnesium is creating ebb and flow. Without the tiding, fish life in the sea would be impossible.
Is that evolution or Almighty and Creation of God?
Due to this influence and chances of day and night, it is exactly the right rhythm for man. And due to the seasons, all life on earth comes to flower and reproduction becomes possible!
Is this evolution or the creation of the Almighty God preeminent?

coral, fishes, dolphins and birds

5  And God said: Let the waters bring forth swarms of living creatures, and let the birds fly above the earth across the firmament of the heavens.
What a beauty, all coral, fishes and big sea fishes such as dolphins and orcas, and the birds gracefully flying in the heavens. What a joy for man to enjoy this underwater scenery and in the sky.
Is not God's creation beautiful and huge?
Does not man to take great care with all this?
This is not evolution, that are the nutrition chains in the oceans and seas well adjusted to one another that plankton is the food for the fishes, and water plants for the oxygen in the water. To be silent about the aerodynamic that is required to let a libel or bird fly or float in the sky.
How much trouble and energy does it cost to man to travel though the skies by airplane?
No, the birds have a well designed and creation given aerodynamic that allows them to fly gracefully and with a minimum strength through the skies. How could from a singular cell, such a knowledge exist about aerodynamics to let a libel, eagle or stork fly through the sky? For that is what is claimed by the evolution theory. No, it is clear that God with His almighty knowledge has been working.

Cattle and men

6  And God said: Let the earth bring forth living creatures according to their kinds: cattle and creeping things and beasts of the earth according to their kinds.
God created nature so splendidly: cattle, that produces milk for man, donkeys and horses to perform useful labour for man, apes which gracefully swing from tree to tree, elephants with their enormous power.
And what does man? He kills and shoots, purely and only for profit. Serpent skins for handbags, ivory for profit, and you may continue yourself.
Complete forests are cut and burned, purely for human profit, in this way destroying the living area for animal life, and making animal life impossible. Why can man no more enjoy of Gods creation?
Because man does no longer recognize God as the Creator? Because man has turned his back towards God and denies Gods existence! Because man thinks he knows it much better than God!
Let us be respectful and regardful for all what the Lord God has given for enjoyment and pleasure, and take great care for nature.

And God said: Let us (Trinity: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit) make man (Adam and Eve) in our image, after our likeness. And let them have domination over the fish of the sea, and over the birds in the air, and over the cattle, and all over earth.
How marvellously man is not set apart. No evolutionary thing from a singular cell, but created in Gods image, what a honour to resemble Gods image. But also a honour and a huge responsibility that God puts upon man's shoulder. Man is allowed to rule over the fish in the sea, birds, cattle, yes over the whole earth.

Man gets a commission from God. God rules over the universe, over man. Man becomes created in Gods image and is allowed to rule with a free will over his/her life and over the earth.
Great pity though, after 6000 years, man is destroying fishes, birds, cattle and earth. Man is emptying the oceans and seas from fish, pollutes the environment in such a way the mercury is dumped into the water and poisoning all life in the waters (fishes) and the sky (birds). Cattle is breed in small spaces, and the rain forest is cut, the atmosphere tremendously polluted, resulting with all sorts of allergies for man himself. It is a sorrowful fact about man's responsibility. Even man is capable to destroy the complete earth with his atomic weapons. Reason: man is more and more turning away from God, looks for his happiness in material matters, drugs, occultism, Islam, occult healing, and you name it.
God had intended it so very beautifully: fishes, birds, cattle to support and to be a joy for man. Over which man was set to rule, so that people could enjoy it!
Why all this suffering in the world? Well, God appointed man to rule over the earth. When man does not control it good, then also the consequences are for man, too much fishing in the oceans, cutting down of woods and (rain) forests. The latter results in flooding and whole villages disappears under the mud, and sicknesses increases due to the fact that disease germs canno withdraw in the forest (this is proved scientifically). And the complete weather is disorganized resulting in major catastrophes.
So the blame is with man, not with God.
Also man is responsible to his neighbour, to take care of the hungry and sick (in the third world too) and not to be unfriendly or hate his or her neighbour, let alone to kill or slaughter. That is the responsibility God gave to man and we are NOT allowed to blame God for it.
Church become empty

7  When God had finished on the seventh day His work, he rested on the seventh day of the week.
God introduced the Sabbath, after six days of working, man should rest from his labour. And what does man do? Now man is working seven days a week, shops are open on the Sunday, and man does not take any time to think of or consider God.
Resulting aggressive (one is tired, because one is not resting, resulting in aggression), the criminality is increasing very rapidly (for rules and standards has blurred, all becomes tolerated, no longer Christian values are educated. Husband and wife are both working, leaving no space to teach rules and standards, leaving the children without love. Churches become empty, also due to the theologians who are liberal and very tolerant toward Biblical teaching and sins. One leaves the Biblical teachings, rules and standards.

No community during the Sunday, one is no longer visiting each other, and during the week one does not care for the sick or making a social call. For one is too busy, one must shop (both are working), one is too tired since one does not rest on the seventh day.

Study the BibleLet us follow Gods example and pay attention to the rest on Sundays. Man needs one day a week to rest and one must use this day to have contact and community with God and fellow-citizens. Of course, not everyone is capable to do this on Sunday, nursing is required 24 hours a day, seven days a week. But they too have one day a week off, which they can use to spend with God.
When unbelievers have no respect for the rest on Sunday, let us believers do so, showing we ARE different. Do not go to entertainments on the Sundays, do not do your shopping on Sunday. Every believer takes up his/her responsibility towards the Lord God and Jesus Christ.
Let man have respect for God, He had a reason to let man rest upon the Sunday. Man is not created (and also not capable) to work seven days a week, every week of the year. That one day a week, God Himself has instituted for the good of man, to refresh bodily and spiritually.

And let us use that one day a week to be with God and His Word, to study the Bible, to get informed what He wishes to tell to us.